An exploration of curiosity and the development of intellectual virtues in schools
About CiC
The Curiosity in Classrooms project is funded by the Templeton Foundation and the Jacobs Foundation, conducted by researchers at the University of Virginia, Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) and Virginia Commonwealth University. Working in partnership with participating school districts, this project explores two big questions:
What does curiosity look like in children, and how does it support the development of character more generally? and,
How is curiosity influenced by the educational settings experienced by most students, and can it be promoted through specific teaching practices?
​The goal of this study is to understand how teachers can encourage curiosity in children by examining classroom instruction. We will look at how teachers use language and instructional choices to create an environment that promotes curiosity. Our previous research has identified potential language that may promote curiosity, and we will measure its frequency in classrooms.
Through this study, we aim to gain a better understanding of what curiosity looks like in schools, how it changes in response to classroom instruction, and how it promotes other intellectual virtues.
We are inviting elementary school teachers in grades 2-3 to participate in our study, we want to learn more about how schools and teachers are promoting learning and curious behavior, and we can only do that with your support!